Maestre-Shelestyuk clash ends in a draw

In a WBA welterweight eliminator between unbeaten fighters, “Captain” Gabriel Maestre (4-0-1, 3 KOs) and Taras Shelestyuk (19-0-1, 11 KOs) battled to a ten round draw on Friday night at the Montreal Casino in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Maestre seemed to have a slight edge, but in the end scores were 97-93 Shelestyuk, 96-64 Maestre, 95-95. It was two-time Venezualan Olympian Maestre’s first fight since his controversial bout with Mykal Fox last summer.

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  • Why did professional boxing ever adopt the even rounds for competition? It would have made far more sense if the rounds for competition where an uneven number so as to greatly reduce the possibility of fights ending in a draw.

  • So I thought the WBA was going to investigate the Fox decision. I guess not. Wasn’t there supposed to be a rematch? I guess thats not happening either.

    I remember watching the Fox fight. I think I turned it on in the 4th or 5th round. I was also listening to music really loud and so I was not influenced by the commentary. And it didn’t look like Maestre was all that effective but Fox didn’t look all that special either.

    It looks like Maestre got some level of Karma back at him. Apparently doing enough here but not getting the decision.

    • The WBA did end up suspending one of the judges from the Fox – Maestre fight for six months. It was Gloria Martinez Rizzo, who had the fight 117-110 for Maestre and she…. had a lot of other strange stuff going on.
      And I may be wrong but I think Fox actually declined the rematch himself.

  • Maestre kinda got jobbed in this fight because 1) judges want payback from the gift decision he got against Fox, plus 2) Shelestyuk is a Ukrainian and therefore got some sympathy rounds. Easy 7-3 for Maestre.

  • this was an eliminator for what? Maestre is ranked 6th and Shelestyuk is ranked #10 not sure whats that about

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